This explains the contact numbers for various needs like knowing the usage of the broadband,making complaints,registering complaints etc.The normal BSNL toll-free numbers are known to its subscribers. The fact is that the toll free numbers are accessible only from BSNL land -line or mobile only.
Here I have published the contact numbers to contact from other operators'.There are several services by BSNL which are not known to evenfor its subscribers.,for e.g., Broadband Users
with Limited plan do have a facility to get a SMSalert thro their mobile Number when the usageexceeds the limit.Pls go through and utilize them
and inform your friends too.
Here I wish to put whatever I come across today's Telecommunication Industry.Mostly would try to put solutions for problems we come across Telecom- and of course Broadband / Internet / GPRS /3G etc.I would try to cover most of the tariff plans from most of the operators or networks available here in India.Right for now I am going to start with state owned BSNL.(all the tariff published here are either from their web or their latest press / handout releases)
மிக மோசமான வாடிக்கையாளர் சேவை மையம் மற்றும் லேன்ட் லயின் குறைபாடுகள்(ஒவ்வொரு முறை வருபவர்களுக்கும் 50 ரூபாய் கொடுத்தே வெறுத்துவிட்டது) இவர்களை விட்டு ஓட வைத்துவிட்டது.
ReplyDeleteஇன்னும் BSNL உடன் இருப்பவர்களுக்கு உதவியாக இருக்கும் இப்பதிவு.